Making the most out of your doctors’ prescriptions

In many cases, post-hospitalization involves taking multiple medications at once. Some may be able to keep track of their prescriptions, but some don’t. Hence, our team at Visiting Practitioners & Palliative Care LLC will help you understand your treatment plan and medication instructions better. We will organize your meds to avoid duplications, errors, and other unwanted concerns. This way, you can maximize the benefits of your medications and achieve a faster recovery.

Benefits post-hospital med reconciliation services

  • Address medication errors or duplications 
  • Educate patients about their new medications and side effects 
  • Lower the risk for adverse medication interactions or readmissions

Our post-hospital med reconciliation services are done at every transition of care in which new medications are ordered, or existing orders are rewritten.


Talk to our care coordinators to learn more about how we can help you. For questions, please leave us a message at your convenience.